Saturday, June 9, 2012

Finger Lakes, NY

In the dead of winter, a friend of mine asked if Dustin and I would like to go camping with them to Finger Lakes, NY over the Memorial Day weekend. Without hesitation, Dustin and I were on board. We had never been to Finger Lakes and we've heard wonderful things.

We arrived at Watkins Glen KOA during late afternoon on the Friday of Memorial Day weekend.

We got in line to check in and much to our surprise, the line was SO long that we were asked to go to our site and to check in later; that was a first! When we were taken to our site, we found that it was quite small and there was a bit of a nervous look from the camp employee. No worries though, we backed our camper right in. Snug as a rug!! Our camp site backed up to a railroad track. Fortunately, we didn't have the train passing through all weekend.

On Saturday morning, we all packed our lunches, put our flip flops on and headed out to the wine trails. Dustin and I had never done wine tasting, so we were looking forward to our first time. Being unfamiliar with the area and the lake, Dustin and I had no idea what we were in for. Following our hosts' lead, we ended up travelling all the way around the lake stopping at several wineries. It was a full day event. Not impressed? That must be because you're not familiar with Seneca Lake. Let me put this into perspective for you.

Travelling up one side of the lake with no stops pobably takes about an hour and a half, I would say. Look at all those wineries! Needless to say, it was a long and memorable day. You'd guess that after such an all or nothing wine tasting experience, we'd be "snobby", but let's face it, I still can't swirl and I still don't discriminate against any wine.

Here are some pictures showing parts of our wine tasting journey.

In true form, we snuck off to do a beer tasting when we found out Wagner had a brewery.

We were pooped by the end of the day, but boy was it a fun experience!!

On Sunday, we set off to hike through the gorge. It certainly wasn't the best day to go; there were hundreds and hundreds of people who had the same plan that day. Regardless, it's always fun to see thought provoking forms of nature. The hike was 1.5 miles up, and 1.5 miles down.

An old railroad bridge.

On our way back down, we came across a cemetary at the top of the gorge.

This headstone was early 1800's and had fresh flowers on it. I'd be fascinated to know the story...

No kidding.

It was an action packed Memorial Day Weekend with some new friends. Can't wait for more summer camping trips!

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